Research Activities
You can find my research activities at the University of Vienna on the u:cris Portal.
Some excerpts are listed below:
Publications | → Publications |
Activities | → Talks, Workshops, ... |
Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8
Jirak JM, Wahl M. Quantitative limit theorems and bootstrap approximations for empirical spectral projectors. Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2024 Oct;190:119-177. Epub 2024 Jul 5.
Jirak JM. Edgeworth expansions for volatility models. Electronic Journal of Probability. 2023 Dec 18;28:1-18. doi: 10.1214/23-EJP1018
Jirak JM. Weak dependence and optimal quantitative self-normalized central limit theorems. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2023 Sept 30.
Jirak JM. A Berry-Esseen bound with (almost) sharp dependence conditions. Bernoulli: a journal of mathematical statistics and probability. 2023 May;29(2):1219-1245. Epub 2023 Feb. doi: 10.3150/22-BEJ1496
Jirak JM, Wahl M. Relative perturbation bounds with applications to empirical covariance operators. Advances in Mathematics. 2023 Jan 1;412:108808. Epub 2022 Dec. doi: 10.1016/j.aim.2022.108808
Gruber H, Jirak JM. Time-varying first-order autoregressive processes with irregular innovations. 2022 Jan 23.
Jirak JM, Wu WB, Zhao O. Sharp connections between Berry-Esseen characteristics and Edgeworth expansions for stationary processes. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2021;374(6):4129-4183. Epub 2021 Mar 19. doi: 10.1090/tran/8328
Trabs M, Jirak JM, Krenz K, Reiß M. Statistik und maschinelles Lernen: Eine mathematische Einführung in klassische und moderne Methoden. 1 ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum, 2021. 263 p. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-62938-3
Showing entries 1 - 8 out of 8
Talks, Workshops, ...
Showing entries 1 - 13 out of 13
Weak dependence and optimal quantitative self-normalized central limit theorems
Johannes Moritz Jirak
BIRS Workshop: "Analysis of Complex Data: Tensors, Networks and Dynamic Systems"
Talk or oral contribution
16.5.2024 - 16.5.2024
Recent advances in large sample correlation matrices and their applications
Johannes Moritz Jirak
15th Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications
Talk or oral contribution
14.3.2024 - 14.3.2024
Weak dependence and optimal quantitative self-normalized central limit theorems
Johannes Moritz Jirak
Workshop on random matrix and high dimensional statistics for complex system
Talk or oral contribution
1.9.2023 - 1.9.2023
Weak dependence and optimal quantitative self-normalized central limit theorems
Johannes Moritz Jirak
6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2023)
Talk or oral contribution
2.8.2023 - 2.8.2023
Weak dependence and optimal quantitative self-normalized central limit theorems
Johannes Moritz Jirak
Data Science and Dependence 2023 Conference
Talk or oral contribution
10.7.2023 - 10.7.2023
Inadmissibility of classical sharp minimax tests in high dimensional change point analysis
Fabio Kalix
Johannes Moritz Jirak
European Meeting of Statisticians - EMS 2023
Talk or oral contribution
5.7.2023 - 5.7.2023
Universality of AIC, FPE and beyond
Georg Köstenberger
Johannes Moritz Jirak
European Meeting of Statisticians - EMS 2023
Talk or oral contribution
3.7.2023 - 7.7.2023
Weak dependence and optimal quantitative self-normalized central limit theorems
Johannes Moritz Jirak
Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2023 - 12.5.2023
Universality of AIC, FPE and beyond
Georg Köstenberger
Johannes Moritz Jirak
Tagung der Forschergruppe DFG-Research Unit 5381 - Mathematical Statistics in the Information Age - Statistical Efficiency and Computational Tractability
Talk or oral contribution
28.3.2023 - 31.3.2023
Relative perturbation bounds with applications to empirical covariance operators
Johannes Moritz Jirak
ISNPS 2022 - International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics
Talk or oral contribution
21.6.2022 - 21.6.2022
Relative perturbation bounds with applications to empirical covariance operators
Johannes Moritz Jirak
Talk or oral contribution
12.5.2022 - 12.5.2022
Quantitative limit theorems and bootstrap approximations for empirical projection
Johannes Moritz Jirak
CFE-CMStatistics 2021 - 14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, 15th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics
Talk or oral contribution
18.12.2021 - 18.12.2021
Quantitative limit theorems and bootstrap approximations for empirical projection
Johannes Moritz Jirak
Heilbronn Focused Research Workshop on Stein's method and high-dimensional time series analysis
Talk or oral contribution
29.3.2021 - 31.3.2021
Showing entries 1 - 13 out of 13